It was evident that they felt there were not enough choices provided on the multiple choice questionnaire we gave them at the beginning of the Romans workshop. One of the questions was “What must one do to be saved? (Circle all the answers that apply)”. Right below were 13 different responses to this question by which they could select what they believed was correct.
A sampling of some of the responses from the list they could choose from are:
Option A – Attend church faithfully,
Option B – Live for Christ,
Option D – Make Christ your Lord,
Option E – Believe that Christ died for your sins and rose again,
Option G – Confess your sins, or maybe
Option L – Give your life to Christ.
Of the 45 attendees that filled out the questionnaire, a few of them circled only one option. This was Option L. Most of them circled multiple options, many of which included Option E; however, no one selected Option E by itself. As I mentioned, some felt we didn’t have enough choices and took the initiative to write down additional ways they believed you could be saved such as “Repent of your sins”. This was in addition to them already circling four or five different options provided.

This was an observation I made from our most recent DM2 missions trip to Sucre, Bolivia where God gave us an opportunity to teach at a seminary there. About half of the attendees were either pastors that graduated from the seminary or students that were currently in the seminary. The other half were mostly church members and leaders that came along with their pastor. It was clear to me that we were teaching faithful men that were diligent in the study of God’s Word.
But why could no one provide a clear response to one of the most important questions in the Bible: “What must I do to be saved?” This, given that the Bible provides the answer: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved”. Surely, these men knew this. Further, they know that Christ did not say “I am one of the ways”, but rather, “I am the way, the truth, and the life”.

There can be many reasons to why a clear response was not provided; but ultimately, God’s Word reminds us that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities and darkness; an enemy that is cunning, deceitful, who does not stand in truth and has twisted a pure gospel. I thank God for His grace toward us in allowing us to preach Christ at this workshop in Sucre. He provided for us in each and every way; strength and health, and wisdom to teach His Word.
At the end of the five-day workshop, we passed out the same questionnaire. On this time around, most (greater than 70%) circled only one option: Option E. One of them still felt we didn’t have enough in our choices provided and felt it necessary to once again add something else to the side. He circled only Option E, then drew a line towards the margin where he wrote “And this, by grace through faith!” To that, I say Amen.
To God be the glory! 2 Corinthians 3:5
Sharing the Gospel through the Spiritual Survey
While in Sucre, Pastor Jaime Garza was able to record giving the survey to a Bolivian woman. You can hear it below: